Allergen Information

Here you'll find a list of all of the dishes sold in our bar & dining room, with allergens listed along the top of the page for easy reference. If a dish contains one of these ingredients, then you will find a tick in the corresponding box.

We will also let you know if they are suitable for vegetarian and vegan requirements, and where they are not suitable for vegan requirements we recommend what items should be omitted in order to make it vegan friendly.

Of course…if you need any help, please do ask a member of our team!

We're proud to freshly prepare our food in our kitchens every day but as we use many ingredients and shared equipment, cross contact is managed but not to an allergen-free level. Therefore we can't guarantee any of our food is suitable for those with allergies due to the risk of cross contact.

Please ensure that you inform your server of any allergies or food intolerances!